After reviewing my reflection from semester one, I would give myself a 70% for following through with what I said in my reflection from semester one. I have done a lot better with focusing on the content being focused upon and taking good quality and content pictures. But I am still procrastinating some and not always utilizing my class time wisely. I am also not putting in the effort that I wanted to when I wrote my initial reflection. Photography is still not the most important class to me right now, so that is most likely why I am not putting in the effort that I hoped I would be. I feel though that I am getting better at using photoshop and editing my pictures to my liking. I am continuing to get better at thinking outside the box. I'm trying to come up with more and different ideas compared to others to make my work stand out the most. Of course I can always do better in this class when it comes to effort and utilizing my time, but I am still working on these things. Part ...