Cubism Response

There are multiple steps, and lots of time taken to create this image. Stephen first had to come up with a creative idea that would fulfill the task of making his image cubism.
1. Stephen first took lots of pictures of his content. He took his images from different perspectives, angles, and times of the day.
2. Next Stephen would compile all of the wanted pictures taken on photoshop.
3. He would make a new canvas and cut out different components from the different pictures and paste them to his new canvas. By doing this he gets different perspectives, angles, lighting, and a cubism look to the image.
4. While cutting and pasting these components, he may have adjusted the lighting, tone, color, saturation, or contrast.

I think a range from 30-40 pictures were used in creating his cubism image. I don't believe all of the photos were taken at the same time of day. I think this because I can see there is different lighting between some areas of the image compared to others. Besides using photoshop to cut and paste parts of different images onto one canvas, I don't think there are a  lot of obvious post-processing enhancements. The only other consideration I have is possibly include more different pieces of depth perception in the image.


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